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The Global Knowledge Partnership Foundation, The Public Interest Registry (PIR) and The Internet Policy Forum of the Washington DC Chapter of the Internet Society (ISOC-DC) invite you to attend the 3rd event in the Pathfinder series about The DNS and Nonprofits: Why it Matters.
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The Program
Public Interest Registry (PIR)
Public Interest Registry’s mission is to empower, through the internet, those who dedicate themselves to improving our world. We’re the people behind the .ORG, .NGO and .ONG domain names, as well as OnGood- an exclusive suite of online services revolutionizing the way NGOs worldwide raise awareness, fund and support for their missions. The speakers will discuss OnGood and opportunities to collaborate with the NGO community.
Paul Diaz – Vice President of Policy, Public Interest Registry
Mr. Diaz has been with Public Interest Registry (PIR) since October 2011, and serves as .org and .ngo|.ong registry operator’s primary point of contact with ICANN. He also oversees the company’s Operations, Compliance and Customer Care team. Mr. Diaz is the current Chair, Registries Stakeholder Group (RySG), and has been part of the ICANN community since 2004. Tony Connor – Director of Marketing, Public Interest Registry
Tony Connor is the Director of Marketing at Public Interest Registry. He brings extensive experience of product marketing in telecommunications, data center services and contact center services in the global marketplace. His aim is to help non-profits and non-government organizations leverage the potential of the internet whilst at the same time allowing them to focus on their key activities.
ICANN – Civil Society @ ICANN
Joe Catapano – Program Manager, Stakeholder Engagement – North America; ICANN
Joe is part of ICANN’s Global Stakeholder Engagement team, coordinating ICANN¹s engagement with regional stakeholders in the private sector, technical community, academia and public interest organizations. Joe works closely with the Communications and Policy teams to host events and draft outreach materials to be used in furtherance of the GSE team¹s mission and objectives in North America.
Afilias – Protecting Your Domain Name
There are a lot of options for choosing your domain name today, and once you have it you want to build your business and your brand around that name. A domain name is a critical asset to any organization and it is essential you control its creation and management. With a few simple questions you will be better prepared to ensure that you maintain control of your domain name.
James Galvin – Director, Strategic Relations and Technical Standards, Afilias
Dr. James Galvin is Afilias’s Director of Strategic Partnerships and Technical Standards. With over 30 years of experience in Internet network security operations and standards development, Jim advises on infrastructure evolution and product development. He represents Afilias in key forums focused on critical infrastructure, the evolution of the Internet threat landscape, and the challenges facing governments and organizations seeking Internet stability. Dr. Galvin is a technical leader in Internet standards and policy setting continuing as an active participant in the IETF since 1989 and serving as the Vice-Chair of ICANN’s Security and Stability Advisory Committee where he has been an active participant since 2002.
About the Pathfinder Initiative
The Global Knowledge Partnership Foundation, (GKPF), and its partners launched the Pathfinder Initiative to to help build effective Civil Society Internet use strategies. Civil Society Internet Awareness and Capacity Building offers an opportunity for your organization to:
- Access resources and services that enable you to make better use of the Internet.
- Offer additional solutions and services to your members and supporters.
- Develop and implement digital strategies, such as effective online communication, community engagement, and fundraising.
- Increase your security and stay on top of Internet security best practices.
- Gain a voice for your organization in how the Internet is run and governed.
- Demonstrate to Civil Society organizations products and services that enable them to make better use of the digital technologies and the Internet.
- Gain exposure to and goodwill among Civil Society Organizations.
- Develop a deeper understanding of and access to an important yet underdeveloped market segment.
- Demonstrate corporate social responsibility.
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