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The Greater Washington D.C. Chapter of the Internet Society is the official title of Internet Society's US Washington DC Chapter, usually abbreviated to ISOC-DC.

ISOC-DC is a membership organization, incorporated as a 501(c)3 non-profit, that seeks to further the mission of the Internet Society (ISOC) in the District-Maryland-Northern Virginia metropolitan area by serving as a hub for discussion, education, and action.

ISOC-DC's guiding principle is that Chapter shall be governed and operated at all times in a manner that will foster a decentralized structure that leverages the expertise, energy, and participation of the Chapter’s membership, and seeks to minimize topdown centralized governance of the Chapter


ISOC-DC's website can be found at


  1. Go to the ISOC Portal and join the global Internet Society. You will need to confirm your email address.
  2. Login at the portal, and apply to join the US Washington DC Chapter.
  3. Your membership will be confirmed by the Chapter Admin.
  • You do not have to be local to join. A good portion of our membership is international.
  • However, only Greater Washington residents are eligible to run or vote in elections, vote in AGMs.
  • Currently, membership is free. No dues are collected.


ISOC-DC's Bylaws can be found at this link

Chapter Council


  • Heather Diaz (Secretary)
  • Steven Williams (Co-convenor)
  • Chelsea Horne (Co-convenor)
  • Jon Conradt (Treasurer)
  • Judith Hellerstein (Chapter Advisory Council Rep)
  • Joly MacFie (Acting Admin)

Council Election 2023

See Council Election 2023